Proposition One is a grassroots movement for disarmament of nuclear weapons and
the conversion of nuclear and other arms industries to provide for human and environmental needs.

The concept was proven viable by the victory of DC Initiative 37.
The bill
has continuously been introduced in Congress since 1994.
Now we are asking you to replicate the Voter Initiative Campaign across the entire country.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Proposition One In 2010 Campaign Road Show

Well, folks, here we go! on the Proposition One In 2010 Road Show!

This summer, we will tour the country to visit every state in the continental U.S. that has the initiative process. We want to meet with you to describe how we managed our Initiative 37 campaign in Washington DC, and to encourage you to let your politicians know that you want Solar Panels and Windmills, Not Missiles and Nukes!

WHY should you care? You mean aside from the environmental devastation already inflicted on humanity by nuclear weapons production, maintenance, and use, and the likelihood that this will increase if we don't bring it to a halt? And shouldn't we support President Obama's April 2009 call for the elimination of nuclear weapons worldwide with a strong show of votes?

HOW can you get involved? Let us know you want to help us with the summer-long educational Proposition One in 2010! Campaign Road Show.

In late June we will head west from the mountains of North Carolina through Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Maryland.

If you want us to stop and speak to your group, contact us today!

Jay Marx, Campaign Coordinator and Ellen Thomas, Executive Director
202-682-4282 (DC Office) jaymarx[at]prop1[dot]org 202-210-3886 (Cell) et[at]prop1[dot]org

PO Box 27217, Washington, DC 20038
Yes, We Can ...
Convert the War Machines
Provide for Human Needs
(See next blog to find out more.)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Legislation in Congress

Proposition One is a grassroots movement for disarmament of nuclear weapons and the conversion of nuclear and other arms industries to provide for human and environmental needs. The concept was proven viable by the victory of DC Initiative 37. You can sign the petition online, can print out a petition to circulate and mail back to us, and can help in other ways as well.

GOOD NEWS! On March 19, 2009, DC's Delegate to the House of Representatives, Eleanor Holmes Norton, re-introduced for the NINTH time her "Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act," HR-1653, which was inspired by Proposition One / DC Initiative 37.

The bill was first introduced in 1994, then 1995, 1997, and 1999, when U.S. Representative Lynn Woolsey (CA) joined Ms. Norton and several experts on nuclear disarmament issues to announce active support for the legislation, and again in 2001, 2003, and 2005, when Representative Woolsey, plus John Lewis and Cynthia McKinney of Georgia, and Sheila Jackson-Lee of Texas, quickly signed on, and in 2007 (see Ms. Norton's announcement). Other co-sponsors have included Fortney Pete Stark (California), David Minge and James Oberstar (Minnesota), Charles Rangel (New York), Al Wynn (Maryland), Earl Hilliard (Alabama). As each Congressional session ends, all unvoted-on legislation expires and must be re-introduced. Your help is needed in obtaining LOTS of co-sponsors in this Congress! So far Representatives Dennis Kucinich (OH) and John Lewis (GA) have agreed verbally to co-sponsor. Bipartisan support would be very helpful.

Contact Proposition One Committee for more information.

Home Page

P.O. Box 27217 * Washington, D.C. 20038
(202) 682-4282

About Proposition One - Economic Conversion of War Machine



Promoting New and Safe Energy Sources

As we enter the new millenium, it is abundantly clear that humankind has squandered many of the earth�s precious resources. In addition, we continue to utilize toxic, often deadly sources of energy. Moreover, through arrogance, ignorance and irresponsibility, we continue to behave reprehensibly by continuing to build, test, and stockpile weapons of mass destruction and to allow the spread of nuclear weapons for profit around the world. We maintain nuclear arsenals under the misguided and arrogant notion that we as a nation possess the wisdom and compassion necessary to avoid their usage, and that possession of these weapons might stop people from making war.

This notion flies in the face of an obvious and historical reality. People have been taught to believe that this situation is permanent; however, there is a way out.

We currently possess the knowledge, and in several instances the technology to provide the energy that we require for both personal and industrial use, without continuing to risk our own demise. These technologies are environmentally safe, abundant, potentially more productive, and certainly as profitable as the limited technologies and energy sources into which we are currently investing many billions of dollars. These include solar, wind, hydrogen, biomass, and with enough research funding, may soon include cold fusion and zero point energy (also referred to as space or free energy). These technologies have not been properly developed for a variety of reasons, none of which can be considered viable or even rational when viewed from the perspective of what is best for humankind.

These new technologies have been largely ignored, both by the U.S. Government and particularly by Corporate America. While there is nothing intrinsically wrong with business for profit, there is a case to be made for decisions that favor people and life over accumulation of profit and wealth. In fact, it is reasonable to postulate that the corporations that pioneer and/or shift into the new technologies should reap tremendous and sustained revenues, much like those that made timely entries into the computer/high tech arena. However, the circumstances as they currently exist are that energy sources are and have always been controlled by a small group of corporate entities. These corporate entities enjoy an intimate and often incestuous relationship with the government, vis-�-vis the Defense/Military establishment. This often unholy alliance keeps us squandering tremendous resources on unnecessary weapons systems and finite energy sources.

We are all participating in the worse possible lose/lose scenario imaginable. First, fossil fuel sources that we now rely on for most of our power needs are depleting at an alarming rate. Second, nuclear technology produces toxic wastes. Third, our weapons systems of mass destruction are supposedly deterrent weapons, meaning that since everyone has them, no one will dare to use them because the results would be catastrophic. Should one follow this reasoning to its logical conclusion, then these weapons will never be used and we will have poured trillions of dollars into a �black hole�, not to mention the misuse of time and other resources that can never be recovered.

THE CONVERSION PROJECT � AN INTERNATIONAL ARMS AND ENERGY CONVERSION COUNCIL is an outgrowth and associate project of PROPOSITION ONE COMMITTEE, a Washington DC based, not-for-profit organization . The objective of The Conversion Project is to aggressively promote the conversion from fossil fuel and nuclear powered energy usage (both civilian and military) to that of the more environmentally benign energy technologies. Our hope is that the resulting dividend from these safer and more cost-effective technologies may be used for more positive and productive human needs and endeavors. To accomplish this objective the Conversion Project will initially employ a four-pronged offensive:

A) Lobbying the Federal Government

B) Lobbying Corporate America

C) Creating an International Information Clearinghouse

D) Brokering Collaborative and Cooperative Endeavors Between the Disparate Disciplines Within the Scientific Community

Lobbying the Federal Government

The United States Congress has the responsibility to collect and spend the people's money. Having that authority, Congress has spent nearly 6 trillion of the people's dollars on nuclear weapons alone over the past 50 years. Billions of dollars continue to be spent each year to develop, enhance and maintain nuclear weapons and power facilities, and to contain the toxic wastes that nuclear technology produces. Billions more are spent annually in like fashion to supply us with fossil fuel based energy. Clearly, Congress is acting irresponsibly with the people's money.

Responsible stewardship would mandate amortizing the 6 trillion dollars over the next 50 years, using it for more humane endeavors.

Responsible stewardship should not include spending resources on fossil fuel based industries because these fuel sources are rapidly depleting, some scientists predict within 50 years. Fossil fuels are also said to be major contributors to the greenhouse effect.

Responsible stewardship should not include spending resources on nuclear energy technologies because these technologies have proven to be unsafe (e.g. Chernobyl in the former Soviet Union and Three Mile Island, USA). In addition, the extremely toxic waste material produced by these power plants is yet to be safely contained.

The most irresponsible stewardship of the people's resources is the continued presence of nuclear weapons. There is worldwide consensus that these weapons should never, indeed, must never be used again if we hope to continue to exist on this planet. The people's money would be more intelligently spent on sources of energy that are abundant and life enhancing.

The Conversion Project will lobby Congress to pass laws that will provide incentives for the scientific community and the business community to research, develop and mass produce wind, solar, hydrogen, biomass, and any other environmentally compatible and infinite energy source technologies. These laws and initiatives must be creative and comprehensive.

Lobbying Corporate America

It is a given that companies are in business to make and maximize profits. However, over the past twenty years, the concepts of corporate responsibility and corporate good neighboring have become part of the business lexicon. Initially, these initiatives were considered unnecessary expenses and met with very rigid resistance within the corporate community. Over time of course, businesses around the globe began to understand the importance of these concepts and thus began to realize tangible financial and spiritual benefits.

This phenomenon provides the basic foundation and approach for The Conversion Project�s lobbying efforts toward the corporate world. In short, our message to industry is that it is morally responsible AND financially advantageous to phase out the business of finite and toxic energy production and to phase in clean, safe, infinite energy technologies. This will undoubtedly be a formidable challenge because it is basic human nature to resist change. Certainly, it is in the nature of big business to avoid forays into unknown and uncharted waters. That was in large part the reason for such intense initial reluctance of businesses to take the high-tech leap during the 1970�s and 80�s. However, once the Federal Government and the academic community began initiatives to stimulate that industry and a few visionary companies began to promote and to mass-produce high-tech products and services, the information and high-tech industries exploded. Many of those visionary companies and others that joined in later have produced legendary revenues, profits, and dividends for tens of thousands of shareholders. Perhaps the most well known examples of this phenomenon are of course, Apple Computers and Microsoft, Inc.

The Conversion Project asserts that the legendary stories of the new energy technology field have yet to be written; that the legendary revenues, profits, and dividends have yet to be earned. Therefore, simultaneous to our lobbying efforts in Congress, we seek to persuade Corporate America that it can enhance the quality of life for humankind and at the same time stay true to its primary bottom-line objectives.

Creating An International Information Clearinghouse

Information is the most valuable commodity as we enter the next millennium. Although there has been a fair amount of research done in various areas of new energy technologies, much of this research is not easily accessible to the business community, the activist community, the general public, and even to the government and scientific community in some cases. In order to reach a consensus regarding comprehensive phasing in of the new energy technologies, more complete and accurate information about them must be made available.

The Conversion Project will seek to fill this void by collecting and disseminating up to date information about solar, wind, hydrogen, biomass, cold fusion, and other alternative technologies as it becomes available and on a continuous basis. This information will be made available on the internet within the web pages of the Proposition One Committee.

Brokering Cooperative and Collaborative Endeavors Between the Disparate Disciplines Within The Scientific Community

This is a somewhat delicate issue because it seems to be an unspoken truth within the scientific community. A major impediment to accomplishing completed working models of the various alternative technologies and in many instances even reaching agreement on the validity and viability of certain technologies, is the seeming inability of scientists of differing fields of study to work together in a productive manner. An illustrative example of this phenomenon is seen in the efforts to verify "Zero Point Energy" (ZPE). More mainstream physicists discount the validity of this concept based upon the fact that some Z.P.E. experiment results are in violation of the known laws of physics. These scientists are then shunned by the mainstream scientific community, making efforts to get funding impossible and therefore slowing down or halting further experimentation. Also, there are far too many instances of researchers from different nations who may be working on similar or identical projects refusing to share data and in some cases, outright hiding of data, which in turn prevents the possibility of major breakthroughs. Moreover, there is often a contentious relationship between the theorists in a given field and the engineers who must ultimately build the mechanisms that bring the theories to fruition.

The Conversion Project asserts that these obstacles, born of misplaced ego and destructive nationalistic pride, are counter-productive and no longer acceptable. Humanity's need for more life enhancing technologies far outweigh these frivolous motivations. Therefore, we will seek to bring these disparate groups together through direct consultations, conferences, symposia and any other reasonable methods that will propel us toward the truth.

For more information or to express interest in serving in an advisory capacity, please e-mail us.

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H. R. 1653

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Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act of 2009 (Introduced in House)

HR 1653 IH

1st Session

H. R. 1653

To provide for nuclear disarmament and economic conversion in accordance with District of Columbia Initiative Measure Number 37 of 1992.


March 19, 2009

Ms. NORTON introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Armed Services, and in addition to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned


To provide for nuclear disarmament and economic conversion in accordance with District of Columbia Initiative Measure Number 37 of 1992.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the `Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act of 2009'.


    The United States Government shall--
      (1) disable and dismantle all its nuclear weapons and refrain from replacing them at any time with any weapons of mass destruction;
      (2) redirect resources that are currently being used for nuclear weapons programs to use--
        (A) in converting all nuclear weapons industry employees, processes, plants, and programs smoothly to constructive, ecologically beneficial peacetime activities during the 3 years following the effective date of this Act, and
        (B) in addressing human and infrastructure needs such as housing, health care, education, agriculture, and environmental restoration, including alternative fuel sources;
      (3) undertake vigorous good faith efforts to eliminate war, armed conflict, and all military operations; and
      (4) actively promote policies to induce all other countries to join in these commitments for world peace and security.


    This Act shall take effect when the President certifies to the Congress that all foreign countries possessing nuclear weapons have established legal requirements comparable to those set forth in section 2 and those requirements have taken effect.

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Campus Outreach

Campus Outreach Project

Student Questionnaire-Tell us What you Think!
A professional poll showed an astounding percentage (84% of the 1,000-plus constituents polled) want to abolish nuclear weapons. The majority of congressmen and senators have not heard from these people. Students have the ideals, energy, and contacts to make a big difference in encouraging people to write. Since 1994 there has been a bill in Congress which can begin the process of nuclear disarmament and economic conversion of the war machines. It's important that people know about it. We hope to encourage as many student activists as possible to help with an intensive Lobbying campaign that will reach every voting district in the country.

Our strategy is a blend of personal contact at our Anti-nuclear Vigil in Lafayette Park (24 hours a day since 1981); and follow-up with students, through e-mail and networking.

We encourage students to develop phone trees, table with fliers and posters at concerts and student centers, network by email, call radio talk shows, put up posters, and whatever other creative ideas can be found to educate others about significant activities and progress, such as:
Contact student clubs at universities; educate yourself with NucNews; recruit volunteers to help table and circulate petition and questionnaire; distribute results to interested activists via email and your own website. You can sign our petition online at Be sure to add your own comments! Be sure to ask others to sign it, too! (Signatures have been accruing since January 23, 2000.)
Write letters to the editor of DC and your own local newspapers about the legislation now in Congress.

Especially in an election year, it's important to go to public events with Congressional candidates and pose serious questions such as, "Will you agree to get rid of nuclear weapons globally, and to convert the war industries into mass-producing clean energy systems and other human needs? Will you agree to co-sponsor Eleanor Holmes Norton's 'Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act' when it is re-introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives next session? Will you introduce it into the Senate? Will you support it as President?" You get the idea.

Please help us formulate the most effective strategies. All ideas and suggestions will be appreciated. Bookmark and visit this site regularly for updates.

We really look forward to working with you. Get in touch soon!
Ellen Thomas
Proposition One Committee
PO Box 27217, Washington DC 20038 USA
202-682-4282 |

Voter Initiatives


The Proposition One Committee of Washington D.C. would like to introduce you to an idea whose time has come.

Proposition One is a grassroots campaign for global nuclear disarmament and economic conversion - using the billions of dollars saved to retool, retrain nuclear weapons industries, and provide for human needs, such as housing, health care, education, agriculture, environmental restoration, and alternative energy.

The horrible hidden history of nuclear accidents, radiation tests, criminally negligent waste disposal, of nuclear explosions and stockpiles, is slowly coming to light, thanks to whistleblowers inside government and out. But the information will be meaningless unless it leads us to a profound revision of policy.

Nuclear weapons must be made illegal through enforceable law.

Treaties, important as they are, can be inadequate smokescreens (like START II, INF, CTBT, and NPT), and ultimately may be unenforceable, except by going to war.

Only the people can or ever would begin the process of nuclear disarmament. The politicians apparently can't or won't do it without our insistence. What is urgently needed is real and direct change. Initiatives can promote change.

We believe that, given their democratic voices, the people in all nuclear-armed countries will alleviate many problems once and for all.

Progress is being made at the grassroots level. More and more communities and countries have declared themselves nuclear-free zones, for example. Proposition One takes this movement one step closer toward the final elimination of nuclear weapons through binding law.

In Washington DC, Proposition One was first brought to the voters as Initiative #37, which won an election in 1993 with 56% of the vote. As a result, Eleanor Holmes Norton introduced HR-3750 to U.S. Congress in 1994, the "Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act." She said she believed the goals could be accomplished via ordinary legislation rather than Constitutional amendment. Eight Congressional co-sponsors signed onto HR-3750 in 1994. Ms. Norton pledged to re-introduce the bill each session, and has lived up to that commitment through the end of 2002 (HR-2647).

About two thousand bills are introduced into Congress each year, so your letter informing your representative about Ms. Norton's "Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act" might actually make a difference. It needs, and merits, strong grassroots support, globally.

This has begun. A Proposition One speaker was invited to Japan in 1994 and again in 2001. The World Court accepted into evidence a letter from Ms. Norton about the bill in Congress, as an example of U.S. leadership which does NOT support the official policy of "we've got 'em, we're keeping 'em, we don't care what anyone thinks." Many visitors from all nations and states have signed our petition.

Ideally, Congress will adopt Eleanor Holmes Norton's non-binding translation of Proposition One, the President won't invoke "executive privilege" and "national security" to veto the bill, nuclear weapons will soon be safely tucked away, and the cleanup begun, before some idiot blows us up or poisons Earth beyond redemption. However, experience would suggest that there will have to be more than one success like DC Initiative 37, and substantially more than the nine Congressional co-sponsors gathered since 1994, before we'll begin to see success.


We are fully aware that this process will not be easy. Nothing worth having is. But it's sure worth a try.

So please, individually or collectively:

ORGANIZE a local Proposition One Committee! Convince reluctant politicians with your own voter initiative campaign.
LOBBY! U.S. RESIDENTS: Write, call, visit political leaders.
Ask your Representative, your Senators, and the House "National Security" and "International Relations" Committees, to actively support Delegate Norton's "Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act."
Congressional switchboard: 202-225-3121
U.S. House of Representatives, Washington DC 20515
U.S. Senate, Washington DC 20510

Call the White House: 202-456-1111 (hold the line for voice), or e-mail:
WRITE your United Nations Ambassador, c/o U.N. Plaza, New York, NY 10017; ask for help convincing all countries with nuclear weapons capability to promise, "Yes, we'll get rid of our nuclear weapons if everyone else does."
WRITE TO US at Proposition One Committee, phone 202-682-4282
P.O. Box 27217, Washington DC 20038, USA


Proposition One Petition * Bill in Congress
Articles of Incorporation * Proposition One Home Page

Lobby Congress

Call and Write Congress!

Call, Write, and E-Mail U.S. Representatives
asking they co-sponsor HR-1653!
Ask U.S. Senators to introduce similar legislation!
Write the President! And the U.N. Nuclear Powers!
Send Letters to Editors!

Sign Online Petition!

The Congressional Switchboard is 202-225-3121. Toll-free: 866-220-0044 or 800-833-6354

The postal address for any member of Congress:

Representative (Name)
U.S. House of Representatives, Washington DC 20515

Senator (Name)
U.S. Senate, Washington DC 20510


* Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act by DC's Congresswoman, Eleanor Homes Norton

* Rep. Woolsey's Nuclear Disarmament Convention Resolution (H.Res. 82)

* Rep. Markey's Stockpile Stewardship Resolution - H.Res. 74

Representatives and Senators have been provided to help you put your thoughts together, below.

If you don't know who your Representative is, you can search by your zip code at the weblinks provided below. You should be able to find your Congressional leaders' D.C. office addresses and phone numbers, state addresses and phone numbers, and e-mail addresses. You can obtain fax numbers and (if missing) email addresses by calling the legislators' offices. If your Representative serves on the House Armed Services or Foreign Affairs Committees, you will get quickest results, we're told, by addressing him or her in care of those Committees.

House Armed Services Committee
2120 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4151
Fax: (202) 225-9077
House Foreign Affairs Committee
2170 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515 USA
(202) 225-5021 |

House Telephone Numbers
Search Representatives by Name
Senators (search out fax numbers, email and websites)
Congressional E-Mail Directory (Webslingers)
Contacting Congress by Zip Code
House of Representatives "Write Your Representative"

E-Mail, phone, or fax the United Nations, and particularly the Nuclear Powers:
- China: E-mail:
- France: E-mail:, Phone:011-33-147-42-8100, Fax:011-33-147-42-2465
- India: E-mail:, Phone:011-91-11-301-3040, Fax:011-91-11-301-6857
- Israel: E-mail:, Phone:011-972-270-5555, Fax:011-972-266-4838
- Pakistan: E-mail:, Telex:5742
- Russia:E-mail:, Phone:011-70-95-925-3581, Fax: 011-70-95-205-4219
- UK:, Phone:011-44-171-270-3000, Fax:Not Available
- USA: E-mail: |, Hotline:202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414 (0 for live operator), 9-5 Monday-Friday; Fax:202-456-2461; Write: c/o White House, Washington D.C. 20500

(Letter to Senators)
(Add your own first and last paragraphs, please!)

The Hon. __________________________
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington DC 20515

Dear Representative _________________

I ask you please to actively co-sponsor Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton's "Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act" (HR-1653), which she has introduced nine times, most recently on March 19, 2009.

This legislation is a timely vehicle by which Congress can signal its intent to abide by Article 6 of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. With international revelations by retired generals and admirals that nuclear weapons are unsafe, unnecessary, and insane -- with the July 8, 1996 World Court decision that nuclear weapons could and should be illegal -- with India and Pakistan first testing, and then calling for a U.N. convention to ban nuclear weapons worldwide -- with the development, use, and growing rejection of deadly depleted uranium weapons -- with development of weapons in space -- with the growing global pressure for abolition of nuclear weapons -- with constituents everywhere still looking for the "Peace Dividend" -- this bill's time has come.

Since it goes into effect when ALL countries possessing nuclear weapons join the U.S. in nuclear disarmament and conversion of their war machines, it offers very little security risk and a great deal of good public relations. Domestically, it marks those funds formerly needed to produce and deploy nuclear weapons for conversion and cleanup .

How this might work.
How this might work.

In June 1998, the Brookings Institute published a book, "Atomic Audit," also known as the "Nuclear Weapons Cost Project" ( According to the Washington Post, this book proves that the U.S. government spent over 5.8 trillion dollars on nuclear weapons up to that time. It would be interesting to know how much has been spent on maintenance of existing nuclear weapons, and research and development of new nuclear weapons, since 1998.

Why not spend the money instead on the future: the first few years to be spent paying workers to retrain while arms manufacturers (of all varieties) to retool their factories to MASS-PRODUCE clean energy systems such as solar, wind, geothermal, hydrogen, hydro, and other quite marvelous systems which have already been built and PROVEN?

The advantages to this are clear:

a. Nuclear power plants which can produce nuclear weapons grade materials for warheads, and DO produce hideously dangerous waste which lasts for thousands of years, and which scientists still don't know what to do about, can instead stop producing any more waste and contain the existing waste WHERE IT IS for the moment.

b. Fossil Fuels are not the answer; some scientists predict that the world will run out of fossil fuels by the year 2050. Also, fossil-fuel energy systems are said to be causing the greenhouse effect, the hole in the ozone layer, global warming.

c. Whoever gets into the clean / renewable / non-nuclear, non-fossil-fuel energy businesses will make LOTS of money, just as the automobile, aviation, computer, and weapons industries did. Government subsidies may be necessary for startup, but taxpayers won't have to subsidize these new energy industries for long. If Lockheed and GE, etc., were to convert from making missiles to hi-tech clean-energy non-nuclear systems, the problem would be nearly solved. Indeed, a number of major arms and energy providers are doing basic research in renewable energy. What's needed, though, is national legislation to lure those giants into mass-producing windmills, geothermal and solar systems, rather than missiles and guns, not just in the U.S. but across the world. Given the reluctance of U.S. politicians to do the intelligent thing, it may take the pressure of worldwide prosperity, based similar concepts, to convince the U.S. government that this idea makes absolute sense.

Please advise me that you have added your name to the list of active co-sponsors of Delegate Norton's "Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act." This bill can launch a peace dividend that will be emulated around the world.


email / website:
fax / phone:

Initial Draft by Proposition One Committee
PO Box 27217 Washington DC 20038 USA -

Washington DC 20510

Dear Senator :

Please introduce into the Senate a mirror of the House Bill, "Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act" (HR-1653), introduced by Washington DC's delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton nine times, most recently on March 19, 2009, in respect of successful DC voter Initiative 37, and co-sponsored by a number of Representatives in prior sessions.

I ask you please to actively co-sponsor Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton's

This legislation is a timely vehicle by which Congress can signal its intent to abide by Article 6 of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. With international revelations by retired generals and admirals that nuclear weapons are unsafe, unnecessary, and insane -- with the July 8, 1996 World Court decision that nuclear weapons could and should be illegal -- with India and Pakistan first testing, and then calling for a U.N. convention to ban nuclear weapons worldwide -- with North Korea and Iran exercising their rights to emulate U.S. arsenals -- with thedevelopment, use, and growing rejection of deadly depleted uranium weapons -- with development of weapons in space -- with the growing global pressure for abolition of nuclear weapons -- with constituents everywhere still looking for the "Peace Dividend" -- this bill's time has come.

Since it goes into effect when ALL countries possessing nuclear weapons join the U.S. in nuclear disarmament and conversion of their war machines, it offers very little security risk and a great deal of good public relations. Domestically, it marks those funds formerly needed to produce and deploy nuclear weapons for conversion and cleanup .

How this might work.
How this might work.

In June 1998, the Brookings Institute published a book, "Atomic Audit," also known as the "Nuclear Weapons Cost Project" ( According to the Washington Post, this book proves that the U.S. government spent over 5.8 trillion dollars on nuclear weapons.

Why not spend the money instead on the future: the first few years to be spent paying workers to retrain while arms manufacturers (of all varieties) retool their factories to MASS-PRODUCE clean energy systems such as solar, wind, geothermal, hydrogen, hydro, and other quite marvelous devices which have already been built and PROVEN?

The advantages to this are clear:

a. Nuclear power plants can produce nuclear weapons grade materials for warheads, and DO produce hideously dangerous waste which lasts for thousands of years, and which scientists still don't know what to do about. Therefore, we must stop producing any more waste and contain the existing waste WHERE IT IS for the moment.

b. Fossil Fuels are not the answer; some scientists predict that the world will run out of fossil fuels by the year 2050. Also, fossil-fuel energy systems are said to be causing the greenhouse effect, and the hole in the ozone layer.

c. Whoever gets into the clean / renewable energy business(es) will make money, just as the computer industry has. Government subsidies may be necessary for startup, but taxpayers won't have to subsidize these new industries for long. If Lockheed and Marietta and GE, etc., were to convert from making missiles to hi-tech clean-energy devices, the problem would be nearly solved. Indeed, a number of major arms and energy providers are doing basic research in renewable energy. What's needed, though, is legislation to lure those giants into mass-producing windmills, geothermal and hydrogen fuel systems, rather than missiles and guns.

You can start in your own state. Please advise us that you will introduce into the Senate the "Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act of 2009." This bill can launch a peace dividend that will be emulated around the world.

U.S. House Bill HR-1653 (2009-2010),

SEC. 1. The `Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act'

The United States Government shall--
(1) disable and dismantle all its nuclear weapons and refrain from replacing them at any time with any weapons of mass destruction;
(2) redirect resources that are currently being used for nuclear weapons programs to use--
(A) in converting all nuclear weapons industry employees, processes, plants, and programs smoothly to constructive, ecologically beneficial peacetime activities during the 3 years following the effective date of this Act, and
(B) in addressing human and infrastructure needs such as housing, health care, education, agriculture, and environmental restoration,
***including alternative fuel sources***;
(3) undertake vigorous good faith efforts to eliminate war, armed conflict, and all military operations; and
(4) actively promote policies to induce all other countries to join in these commitments for world peace and security.

This Act shall take effect when the President certifies to the Congress that all foreign countries possessing nuclear weapons have established legal requirements comparable to those set forth in section 2 and those requirements have taken effect.


(Add your name here:)

Ellen Thomas, Proposition One Committee / The Conversion Project,

Some other signatories:

Corbin Harney, Spiritual Leader, Western Shoshone Nation; Shundahai Network,

Mitzi and Peter Bowman, Coordinators - Don't Waste Connecticut,

Alice Slater, New York - GRACE Public Fund,

B. J. Armstrong, Peace Action,

Ms. B.J. Medley, ECO - Tulsa, Oklahoma

Bob Kinsey, Colorado Peace and Justice Task Force, Rocky Mountain Conference, United Church of Christ

George Crocker, Executive Director, North American Water Office, Lake Elmo MN

Bruce A Drew, Communications Director, Prairie Island Coalition, Minneapolis MN

Edith Villastrigo, National Legislative Director, Women Strike for Peace, DC

David Crockett Williams, Global Peace Walk 2000, California,

Dennis F. Nester, The Roy Process, Phoenix AZ,

John Hallam, Friends of the Earth, Sydney, Australia,

Bruce K. Gagnon, Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space - Florida,

Greg Wingard, Exec. Dir., Waste Action Project, Seattle WA

Owen Berio - Dawn Watch - Washington

James McGuinness, Shundahai Network; Seeds of Peace; NucNews

Kathy Dorn, Irradiation Free Food Hawaii

Michael D. Casper - Penn State U., Pennsylvania Transportation Institute

Pat Broudy, Nat'l Association of Atomic Veterans

Petra Moessner, Dallas, TX, Abolition Caucus Member

Molly Johnson, Save Ward Valley - CA,

Scott Mathern-Jacobson, Catholic Worker, Fargo ND

Sheila Baker/Blaine Metcalf, War Resistors League, San Luis Obispo, CA

Bill Smirnow, Nuclear Free New York

Dan Fahey, Military Toxics Project - DU

Sylvia Zisman, New Jersey, Hiroshima Day Remembrance Committee

Donna & Tom Howard-Hastings, Wisconsin, Laurentian Shield Resources for Nonviolence

Vina Colley (PRESS), Portsmouth/Piketon Residents for Environmental Safety and Security - Ohio

Chris Ney, Disarmament Coordinator, War Resisters League - New York,

Helen Caldicott MD, Founding President, Physicians for Social Responsibility; STAND,

Pamela S. Meidell, Director, The Atomic Mirror / Abolition 2000: A Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons

Mike Ewall, Dir, Pennsylvania Environmental Network, Nuclear Waste & Green Energy Leadership Teams,

Frances L. Fox, Monterey, CA 93940

Ak Malten, Global Anti-Nuclear Alliance, The Netherlands,

Jill Stallard - UK, Abolition Caucus Member

Solange Fernex, President, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) - France

Mary Byrd Davis, Iggdrasil Institute, Georgetown, KY

Marvin Lewis, Philadelphia, PA 19136

Jean Clautaire-Frerreys Pouele, Executive Director, EARTH ACTION-CONGO

Malla Kantola, Committee of 100 in Finland

Di McDonald, Nuclear Information Service (NIS) Britain

Peer de Rijk, WISE International, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

William F. Santelmann, Jr. - Massachusetts, Metro-Boston Committee to De-Alert Nuclear Weapons

Bonnie Urfer, Nukewatch, Luck WI

Ward & Dorothy Hodge, Grawn, Michigan 49637

Kay Cumbow, Citizens for Alternatives to Chemical Contamination, MI

Anna C. Tucker, Virginia Veterinarian

Alice Zachman, Director, Guatemala Human Rights Commission

Daniel Simuie, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Richard N. Salvador, Pacific Islands Association of NGOs, Honolulu, Hawaii

Marylia Kelley, Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) , Livermore, California, USA

GreenPlanet Social Justice & Ecology Network, Windsor, Ontario Canada,

Harry Rogers, Carolina Peace Resource Center, Columbia SC

Colby Lowe, Peace Action, Fairfield, CT

Alexey Yablokov, President, The Center for Russian Environmental Policy, Moscow

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